I love finding new toys, I mean tools! Lately I have found several that really make my life easier! They help from organizing, marking, quilting, and even loading the quilt! In the next few weeks I will be sharing about each of these tools, which will be available on first at MQS May 18 & 19… and then on my website after on May 21!
Speaking of MQS… a wonderful machine quilting show with lots of great classes & vendors, I will be attending again this year. I am taking the loooooooong drive with a friend, bring all my equipment (quilt frame, machine and all!) and tools to share about!
My teaching will take place all day on friday May 18 and the morining of May 19. The friday classes are a wonderful way to completely understand (and see!) how Short Arm Quilting is supposed to work!! I will also have my tools, new and old, available in the classroom. All the tools I share about work well with any home quilting system. While there are many quilting tools out there for frame quilting, not all work well with home quilting systems.
so stay tuned for more about my new tools… and for more information on MQS check out www.imqa.org.
Happy Quilting!!